2820 West Market St., Akron, OH 44333 (330) 835-3000


Diamond Cut

A diamond’s cut does not refer to its appearance. Rather, it refers to a diamond’s symmetry, proportioning, and polish. A diamond’s cut has a large impact on its value.


A shallow cut diamond allows light to escape from its sides instead of reflecting off its top.


A shallow cut diamond allows light to escape from its sides instead of reflecting off its top.


A diamond whose cut is too deep will look smaller than diamonds of similar carat weight.


Diamond Table

A diamond's table is the largest facet of the stone, comprising the flat surface on the top. The table percentage is the ratio of the width of the diamond's top facet in relation to the width of the entire stone. The right ratio results in a large amount of fire and brilliance.





Polish and Symmetry

After a diamond is cut, the cutter will finish the stone to achieve a smooth, glass-like surface. The quality of this work is known as diamond polish. Gemologists, once again, examine the stone under 10x magnification in order to rank a diamond’s polish, looking for remnants of imperfections the cutter may have left behind.

While inclusions occur naturally as the diamond forms, polish marks are the result of human error. Nearly every diamond has some sort of flaw due to polish. But unlike symmetry, many of these flaws are so minute that they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

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Like all relationships, it starts with a simple conversation.